How Writers (and Readers) Can Fight For Racial Justice

How Writers (and Readers) Can Fight For Racial Justice

How can you, as a reader or writer, fight for racial equality and social change? There are many ways! Read on for advice + reading lists.

Starting a Novel is HARD (5 ways to jump-start your writing)

Starting a Novel is HARD (5 ways to jump-start your writing)

Beginning a writing project is terrifying because there’s all that blankness in front of you. Overcome your fear of starting your novel by following a few basic guidelines…

How to Process What's Happening Through WRITING

How to Process What's Happening Through WRITING

With all the fear and uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, it can seem nearly impossible to exercise your creative muscles. That’s ok. Be kind to yourself and, if you’re looking for an outlet, trying writing (WITHOUT judgment).

I’m On Track to write 200,000+ words this year. Here’s how I keep productive.

I’m On Track to write 200,000+ words this year. Here’s how I keep productive.

Writer or not, if you’re struggling with productivity, we’ve got you! Here are 6 proven techniques and tools to stay on track and keep motivated.

Limiting Belief: I Should...

Limiting Belief: I Should...

You know you’ve heard this phrase a million times: “You should…” It’s part of the vernacular of our culture, but it can be a limiting belief when it comes to writing…

Limiting Belief: “My Ideas aren’t good enough"

Limiting Belief: “My Ideas aren’t good enough"

Writing involves dedication and time—so much time! How can any normal person find the time to write an entire book? In reality, this is a limiting belief that CAN be overcome…

How Do Limiting Beliefs Apply To Writing?

How Do Limiting Beliefs Apply To Writing?

Limiting beliefs are mental hurdles that prevent us from doing what we want to do. They give us a million excuses to settle for mediocrity, and are rampant in the writing world…

Phone-Free Concert, Being Present, & Writing

Phone-Free Concert, Being Present, & Writing

Our attachment to experience-sharing has put a filter on our existence. We view things through a foggy lens — one governed by photo ops and jealousy points. We validate our actions by how many views and likes we receive. And that’s so…messed up. 

Writing 50,000 words in a month may not work for you.

Writing 50,000 words in a month may not work for you.

For the third time in two and a half years, I’ve written 50,000 words in a single month. Here’s what I learned and why I’m not planning on doing it again…

3 Clever (and 3 completely ordinary) Ways Of Keeping Up Your WRITING MOMENTUM

3 Clever (and 3 completely ordinary) Ways Of Keeping Up Your WRITING MOMENTUM

The excitement of a new writing project can buoy you for a while. You are pushed forward by the thrill of embarking on a new adventure, a brand new path. But, after a while, you may find yourself slowing down...How do you keep up your momentum?? I explore 6 ways...

Understanding the Editing Process

Understanding the Editing Process

Writing is a lot like building your dream house. Maybe you find yourself over budget, and you need to trim back on some details. Out goes the fancy copper sink. Or maybe the contractor left a gaping hole in the roof. Or a tiny crack in the drywall. They better patch it up before the rain comes in and wrecks the whole structure. Part of the writing process is learning what to trim and what to...

How to Write Your Shitty First Draft

How to Write Your Shitty First Draft

If you have ever tried to write anything, you know that voice. The one that tells you that you aren’t good enough. The doubting nag that whispers tales of failure before you’ve even begun. Better go do the dishes, fold the clothes, put in the roast. Chores never sounded so inviting. Anything to avoid finding out what’s really in that brain of yours, waiting to seep onto the blank page. Procrastination is easy. Writing is hard, but there are ways to...