freelance writing

How To Set Pricing for Freelance Work (5 factors to consider)

How To Set Pricing for Freelance Work  (5 factors to consider)

Does setting your prices for freelance work sound daunting? It doesn’t have to be. We break down how to set freelance fees using 5 factors.

Freelancers are their own I.T. department

Freelancers are their own I.T. department

It's great being a freelancer for a lot of reasons, BUT there are also a bunch of disadvantages people don't necessarily consider. How can you incur unexpected costs as a freelancer? Oh, let me count the ways! Let's start with the computer meltdown incident that made me wish I had the backing of an I.T. department (or at least a level-headed co-worked to talk me out of DIY-ing my problem!)

Being a "Yes Person" Isn't So Bad

Being a "Yes Person" Isn't So Bad

A yes person is someone who says yes, regardless of whether they have the skills, time, or inclination to do the task at hand. It is a person who boldly plows forward, like a pet troll on a leash, bumbling forward when its master tugs.

Is saying yes really that bad? I argue that it isn’t.