Click Clack Writing

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Click Clack Writing: 88 Writing Prompts

CCW Writing Prompts—photo courtesy of

At Click Clack Writing, we love writing prompts! They get the brain juices flowing and help exercise your writing muscles. Writing prompts can also help you explore new ideas or directions that you may not have considered. When you simply write without expectation or judgment, magic can happen.

How do you use writing prompts?

1.      Pick one.

2.      Set a timer (You could write for 5 minutes, 10, 30…whatever you want).

3.      Write whatever comes to mind. Do not overthink or edit. Just write. The goal is to get as many thoughts onto the page as possible.

4.      Use a notebook, preferably. We have found that thoughts flow better when written by hand. Try it!


The Prompts

Choose one of the prompts below (or modify one to fit your current mood) and start writing.

NOTE: Feel free to substitute “you” for any person or any character from your imagination. You can write from whichever perspective you choose. 

1.      You’ve just received a mysterious package. What’s inside?

2.      What are you grateful for?

3.      A knock sounds at the door…

4.      You’re in the forest, all alone. All of a sudden…

5.      It’s late at night. You hear a faint scratching sound.

6.      You’re at work and a co-worker storms up to your desk…

7.      Describe your dream vacation.

8.      You find a friend/family member/stranger crying…

9.      The car is barreling down the road and suddenly…

10.  Describe a smell that triggers memories or emotions (either good or bad).

11.  Who in your life has changed over the past five years? How?

12.  Tell a story about a beloved pet.

13.  You’re on a boat. How did you get there and what do you see/hear/feel?

14.  You have the opportunity to have coffee with your favorite celebrity or author. What do you ask them?

15.  What super power would you most like to have? How would you use it?

16.  Poof! You’ve been transformed into a bird. Write a scene using all five senses (sight, smell, taste, touching, hearing).

17.  Poof! You’ve been transformed into a polar bear. Write a scene.

18.  Poof! You’ve been transformed into a racecar. Write a scene.

19.  Poof! You’ve been transformed into a condom. Write a scene.

20.  Poof! You’ve been transformed into spider. Write a scene.

21.  Recall a moment when you were completely relaxed. Where were you and what were you doing?

22.  The lights in the theater dim, and then…

23.  You have the power to time travel to any era in any part of the world. Where do you go and what do you do?

24.  You’ve been kidnapped! What is it like and how do you plot your escape?

25.  What would you accomplish in your ideal year?

26.  Write a letter to an old friend.

27.  You have the power to give any gift to your child(ren). What do you give them?

28.  It’s the morning of your favorite holiday. Write a scene.

29.  You’re swimming in the ocean, when suddenly…

30.  There’s something suspicious about your barista/hair stylist/auto mechanic…

31.  Out of nowhere, a storm gathers…

32.  You’re having a night on the town. Describe.

33.  It’s the pioneer days. What is life like?

34.  Have you ever been afraid for your life? Describe.

35.  Snow is falling rapidly and the cabin becomes hemmed in. What now?

36.  You discover an object hidden in the walls of your house.

37.  Write about an early childhood memory.

38.  Describe an exquisite meal.

39.  Pick an apocalyptic scenario (nuclear winter, disease epidemic, zombies) and write about what life is like.

40.  Either describe a major accomplishment or imagine something you would like to achieve and write about it.

41.  Out of the darkness, a shape takes form…

42.  The mountain path curves and suddenly…

43.  Something wet/sticky hits your skin

44.  Write about a paranormal experience

45.  You have the chance to go back in time and change one decision. Do you do it? If so, what do you change? What happens next?

46.  Something doesn’t feel right…

47.  You’re standing in front of a famous landmark…

48.  The class bully stands up and…

49.  You’ve been hurled into a real life Game of Thrones. Write a scene.

50.  Describe an idea that could change the world.

51.  You’ve been asked to give a college graduation speech. What do you say?

52.  You’ve been asked to give a presentation about one of your passions/ideas. What do you say?

53.  You’re taking a road trip with your mother/father/old friend…

54.  An hour to go…

55.  How your cat/dog sees the world…

56.  The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do...

57.  Someone is chasing you…

58.  Describe a deeply-held belief and then write about it from the opposite perspective.

59.  The secret life of your co-worker/an insurance salesperson/your dog/the old lady at the grocery store

60.  You’ve never felt so cozy…

61.  Poof! You’ve been whisked into the pages of your favorite book…

62.  Poof! You’re caught up in the plot of a horror movie…

63.  Poof! You’re playing the lead in a romance novel.

64.  Poof! You’re an opera star in the 17th century.

65.  Poof! The plot of your favorite TV show is coming to life.

66.  The little things…

67.  Endless stretches of prairie…

68.  Towering, snow-covered mountains…

69.  Dense pine forest…

70.  A tropical rainforest at night…

71.  A deserted island…

72.  Describe a time when you had to make a big decision.

73.  Describe your ideal Sunday afternoon.

74.  Lipstick…

75.  Second chances…

76.  The monster is back…

77.  If a car could think…

78.  What does peace mean to you?

79.  When have you failed?

80.  Bright yellow…

81.  Fresh fruit off the tree…

82.  You’re on horseback…

83.  What scares you most? Write a scene where you confront your fears.

84.  A treasured photograph…

85.  What was a recent incident that made you upset?

86.  What was a recent incident that made you happy?

87.  The things witnessed by a tree…

88.  A secret hiding place…

We hope this list will spark your imagination for many weeks ahead! Do you have any prompts you’d like to add to the list? Feel free to write them in the comments.