Freelancers are their own I.T. department

Freelancers are their own I.T. department

It's great being a freelancer for a lot of reasons, BUT there are also a bunch of disadvantages people don't necessarily consider. How can you incur unexpected costs as a freelancer? Oh, let me count the ways! Let's start with the computer meltdown incident that made me wish I had the backing of an I.T. department (or at least a level-headed co-worked to talk me out of DIY-ing my problem!)

Being a "Yes Person" Isn't So Bad

Being a "Yes Person" Isn't So Bad

A yes person is someone who says yes, regardless of whether they have the skills, time, or inclination to do the task at hand. It is a person who boldly plows forward, like a pet troll on a leash, bumbling forward when its master tugs.

Is saying yes really that bad? I argue that it isn’t.

What I Learned from NOT Writing

What I Learned from NOT Writing

Sometimes life happens and finding time to write becomes challenging. This happened to me recently and I learned a few valuable lessons from NOT writing, such as how to overcome my writing dry spell. Read on!